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Pulsatilla Homeopathy Medicine


Most extensive action on mucous membranes, eyes, ears, nose and respiratory tract, mouth and digestive tract, vagina and urinary apparatus.  It affects the testicles and spermatic cord, the female sexual organs, the veins of the lower extremities and the joints.  Its action on the disposition is very marked and important.  Its fever is unpronounced, is symptomatic (catarrhal as a rule) and is not attended with thirst or nervous excitement.

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Additional information

Potency :

3X, 6X, 12X, 3C, 6C, 9C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Size :

2Dram (Pills), 4Dram (Pills), 15Grams (Pills), 25Grams(Pills), 50Grams(Pills), 100Grams(Pills), 15ML (Liquid/Drops), 25ML (Liquid/Drops), 50ML (Liquid/Drops), 100ML (Liquid/Drops), 50ML spray (Liquid/Drops), 100ML spray(Liquid/Drops)


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