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Abies Canadensis Homeopathic Medicine


Mucous membranes are affected by Abies can and gastric symptoms are most marked, and a catarrhal condition of the stomach is produced.

Vanishing of thoughts; confusion and stupefaction of the mind as if intoxicated.

-Greed or cupidity in eating.

-Mental exhaustion.

-Irritability, moody (Nux-v).

-A delusion that womb is soft and feeble and would cause abortion.

Suited to women with uterine displacements, probably due to defective nutrition and debility (where prolapsus uteri is a symptom of general defective nutrition with little or no local congestion).

-GASTRIC SYMPTOMS are most marked. A catarrhal condition of the stomach is produced which increases the patient’s hunger.


-CANINE HUNGER and torpid liver. GNAWING, HUNGRY, FAINT FEELING at the epigastrium.

-PECULIAR CRAVINGS; for meat, pickles, radishes, turnips, artichokes, coarse food.

-Craving for indigestible or unsuitable articles of food – disordered digestion.


-Chill extending up and down back, as if cold water dropped down the spine.

-The cold-water feeling between the scapulae (Clarke;K.886).

-A sensation of a WET CLOTH ON THE BACK.

-Great prostration, wants to lie down all the time. Cold, clammy skin, cold hands.

-Faintness. Debility due to malassimilation of food.

-Burning and distension of stomach and abdomen with severe palpitation of the heart.


-Heart’s action labored.

-UTERINE DISPLACEMENTS < standing long; < sitting; > pressure.

-Sore feeling at the fundus of the uterus, relieved by pressure. Thinks womb is soft and feeble. Sensation as if will abort.

-Sensation uterus will fall out of the pelvis. Lies with the legs drawn up.

-Peculiar sensations are:

-Right lung and liver feel hard and small.

Uterus feels soft and feeble.

-Distension of stomach and abdomen with difficult respiration.

Breathing labored, with sensation as if the right lung is small and hard.

-Tipsy, swimming of the head, as if the top of the head were congested.

-A light-headed feeling attended with a gnawing hungry faint feeling at epigastrium.


Canine hunger. Gnawing, hungry, faint feeling at the epigastrium.

A tendency to eat far beyond capacity for digestion.

Peculiar cravings for meat, pickles, radishes, turnips, artichokes, coarse food.

Uterine displacements. Sensation as if the womb is soft and feeble. Sensation as if will abort.

When uterine prolapse is due to general defective nutrition, with little or no local congestion.

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Additional information

Potency :

3C, 6C, 9C, 12C, 30C, 200c, 1M, 10M

Size :

2Dram (Pills), 4Dram (Pills), 15Grams (Pills), 25Grams (Pills), 50Grams (Pills), 100Grams (Pills), 15ML(Liquid/Drops), 25ML(Liquid/Drops), 50ML(Liquid/Drops), 100ML(Liquid/Drops), 50ML spray(Liquid/Drops), 100ML spray(Liquid/Drops)