Ailments from:
Anesthetic vapors, fumes of charcoal and gas.
-Stings and bites (Led).
-Surgical injuries, surgical shock.
-Sausage poisoning.
< Cold air
< Wet
< Checked secretions
< Fog
< Night
> Motion
> Loose stools
Ailments from shock, excitement.
-Anxiety and fear, driving him from place to place, in dyspnea, in liver complaints.
-Irritability with headache and abdomen and liver complaints.
-Lamenting, wailing with delirium, with swelling of the abdomen.
-Hysteria; crawling and rolling on the floor.
-Grieves about sickness and children. Worried about business.
-Forgetful about what recently happened does not know her own children.
Guiding Symptoms:
Constitution-Suited to pale, lean persons with lax flabby muscles, face pale, waxy (Ferr).
-Who has inherited phthisis and suffer from chronic weakness, anemia, and emaciation.
-Hemorrhagic diathesis.
-Marasmus and other wasting diseases of children (Abrot, Iod, Sanic, Tub) emaciation of face, hands, thighs (Nash).
-Great prostration after injuries, after surgical shock, after anesthetics.
-Burning thirst, insatiable, even for large quantities, but no thirst in fever.
-Profound anemia with the waxy pallor of the face.
-Hemorrhage from all orifices.
-Excessive wasting and debility.
-Mouth-Profuse salivation day and night.
-Stomach-Great thirst with dropsy but not in fever.
-Cancer of the stomach, peptic ulcer, intestinal tuberculosis, where there is vomiting after every kind of food.
-Vomiting after anesthetics.
-Cannot tolerate cold drinks, vegetables except potato, bread, and butter.
-Violent burning pain followed by coldness of the skin, cold sweat on forehead.
-Sleep-Cannot sleep lying on the back (Sleeps better on back-Ars).
-The sensation of sinking in the abdomen causing dyspnea, better lying on belly.
-Fever-Hectic fever, drenching night sweats, sweat profuse and cold, otherwise skin dry and hot.
-Red spot on the left cheek.
-No thirst during fever.
Chief Symptom:
- Great prostration after surgical injuries, after anesthetic.
2. Cannot sleep on back, rests better lying on belly (Am-c).
3. Red spot on the left cheek in fever, drenching cold night sweat.
4. No thirst during fever.
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