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Ferrum Metallicum


Slightest noises, like the crackling of paper, drive him to despair.

Red parts become white.

Vertigo on seeing flowing water.

Vomiting immediately after midnight, while eating, leaves table suddenly and with one effort, vomits everything eaten, and can sit down and eat again.

Cough only in the daytime.

All symptoms relieved by walking about slowly

Pallor of skin and mucous membrane, alternating with flushes. Pseudo-plethora. Red parts turn white.

– Hemorrhages from anywhere and everywhere. Blood is bright red fluid and clotted.

– Local congestions and inflammations with hammering, pulsating pains. Veins full.

– Canine hunger alternating with complete loss of appetite.

– Regurgitations or vomiting immediately after eating, painless < after eating or drinking, while at rest, especially sitting still > walking slowly about.

Anemia, Arrhythmia, Arthritis, Bursitis, Chronic fatigue syndrome, Diarrhea, Epistaxis, Gastritis, Hemorrhages, Migraine, Obesity, and Sciatica.

-Ferr 30 for vomiting after tonsillectomy- Dr. Fobister.

-If Bell. fails in typical headache, think of Ferr. – Dr. Wilburk Band.

-Avoid Ferr. in tuberculosis, syphilis and in persons predisposed to hemorrhages and especially never repeat it.

SKU: N/A Category: Tag:

Additional information

Potency :

6X, 12X, 6C, 9C, 12C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M

Size :

2Dram (Pills), 4Dram (Pills), 15Grams (Pills), 25Grams(Pills), 50Grams(Pills), 100Grams(Pills), 15ML (Liquid/Drops), 25ML (Liquid/Drops), 50ML (Liquid/Drops), 100ML (Liquid/Drops), 50ML spray (Liquid/Drops), 100ML spray(Liquid/Drops)