Mental.–Disposition to be very haughty when sick; mistrustful; peevish; comprehension difficult,–does not seem to understand anything one says to them; memory weak. Anxious dreams of fatal accidents.
Abdomen.–Great deal of noisy flatus in the abdomen, or particularly in the right hypochondriac region; there seems to be a constant fermentation in the abdomen, which produces a loud croaking sound. This remedy is much used for troubles of the liver; there may be great pain, or some other trouble in this organ, with much rumbling of wind in the left hypochondriac region. Vomiting of sour matter; dyspepsia with loud croaking in the abdomen. Affections of the inner lower belly; inguinal ring; inguinal hernia; obstructed flatus. Extreme hunger.
Urine.–Clear, transparent urine, having a heavy, red, crystallized sediment in the bottom of the chamber. In typhus fever, for example, where the patient is in a very low state, and can’t retain the urine, we may see this sediment on the sheets; also in colic of babies, with much sediment of this kind on the diaper. A very severe pain is felt in the back every time before urinating, causing the patient to cry out; retention of urine; patients will get into position to urinate, but wait a great while before the water comes, accompanied by the characteristic pain in the back, which ceases when the urine flows; children often cry out with pain before urinating; complaints while passing water; affections of the urethra.
Chest.–Affections of the right side of the throat; for all troubles commencing there, though they may spread to the left side (ascertain on which side the trouble began. Right side, Lycop.; (Left side Laches.). Respiration with mucous rattle. Expectoration gray; purulent, i.e., pus like; taste of expectoration salty (Arsen., Lycop., Phosphor., Pulsat., Sepia, have this symptom in a very marked degree); very white; profuse secretion of mucus. Palpitation of the heart, with or without anguish, with flapping of the wings of the nose; enlargement of the heart; hypertrophy in general.
Sexual.–Male: Impotency; as when in health, otherwise sexual desire is felt, but there is no erectile power. Female: Menstruation too late; lasts too long; sometimes suppressions of, or may be too scanty; complaints before. May find females at change of life with one side of the body greatly hypertrophied. Sore nipples of nursing females.
Skin.–Corns which are very sensitive, or with tearing pains. Exanthema in general, particularly with biting sensation; moist; scurfy; tearing and painful. Boils, which bleed a great deal all the time. Want of action of the skin. Itch, burning; creeping; gnawing. Skin scurf; sticky; clammy. Brown mortification. Pale swelling. Ulcers in general; bleeding; burning; burning on the edge; scabby; fistulous; hard; hard on edge; itching; painless tearing. Salt rheum. Varices suppurating.
Fever.–Chilliness in general. Dry heat; heat with want of perspiration; perspiration stinking; perspiration viscid.
Sensations.–Sensation of coldness in inner parts; numbness or insensibility; pinching pains, particularly in inner parts; sensation as if single parts had gone to sleep; drawing pains in outer parts, drawing from above downward, or pains running from above downward.
Generalities.–Affections in general of right eye: right side of the face; right hypochondrium; right abdominal ring; left chest; left lower extremity; general symptoms right side (though they may spread to the left); hair of the head; rectum; bladder; hands; fingers; finger-joints; back part in the lumbar region; feet; ankles; legs, and lower extremities in general. Hard hearing; smell too sensitive. Deep furrows on the face; same on forehead; sensations in the temples. Collection of water in the mouth, i.e., “mouth waters.” Obstructed evacuation; painless diarrhÅ“a. Anything running from right to left. Apoplexia; erethism of blood, accompanied with flashes of heat; chlorosis. Consumption resulting from badly treated pneumonia. Crooked legs; ankles weak; emaciation in general; painless paralysis; old sprains; tension, tightness or stiffness of the joints; weakness of the joints. Great debility. Swelling of the glands; enlargement of the bones; caries of the bones; arthritic nodes.
Worse.–In the afternoon from four to eight; in the evening; before midnight; after eating, if only a very little (this may be a sensation of great fullness, perhaps extending clear up to the throat; China, fulness is felt after eating a full, regular meal; Lycop., fullness after eating or drinking a little,–can’t eat any more, though would like to, as they “feel so very full”); wrapping up the head, or even from wearing the hat or bonnet; before menstruation; from suppressed menstruation; while lying down,–must change the place every little while; lying on either side; on lying down and rising: from lamp light or gas-light; from looking fixedly at any point; from eating cabbage; from cold food generally,–must have everything warm; from eating vegetables with husks; from drinking, pressure from without, even of the clothes (must loosen them, especially with the “full” feeling); after rising from a seat; from strong smells; while urinating; on getting warm in the open air; in the wind; from wrapping up one’s self.
Better.–On getting cool; in the company; from eructation, up or down; from uncovering the head; from loosening the garments; from moving; after rising from a seat; after uncovering the body; generally from warm or hot things; and from getting warm in bed.
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